Intimate, heartfelt worship in the freedom of the Holy Spirit
Intimate, heartfelt worship in the freedom of the Holy Spirit
Worship is one of our primary core values. Let’s lift up our voices, engage and encounter the sweet presence of the Father by singing adoring songs and enjoying music that He’s given us.
When we come together as a church family, we start and end our services with intimate and celebrational moments of musical worship. Our style is contemporary, deeply rooted in the Vineyard movement.
Our services depend on volunteers who mix and record sound and run multimedia presentations.
If you are interested in serving or being trained in worship, sound mixing or visual support you can contact Mark Nelson by filling out this form.
Mark Nelson - Worship Coordinatior
One of Mark's favorite quotes: “One minute in the presence of Jesus can undo years of the devil’s damage”. Worship music can put us in the presence of God. Mark believes music is the most powerful of the art forms and the purpose of a church worship team is to provide a vehicle that the congregation can “hop on and ride into the presence of God”
For the past four years, Mark's primary responsibility at Five Cities Vineyard is “worship”, coordinating all of the components of that portion of our Sunday morning service we call “worship”. This includes having a worship leader, a worship team, sound tech, visual overhead and streaming person in place each Sunday morning. He has been with the Five Cities Vineyard much longer... since the beginning.
The Five Cities Vineyard was planted in 1991 by the then pastor of the San Luis Vineyard, Bob Craine. Mark was fortunate enough to be on the ground floor team of that church plant... a wonderful experience for him. From the very beginning of the Vineyard movement, one of their primary values has been intimate worship and the tangible presence of God... and it still is.
If you have a passion and/or interest in being part of (any aspect) of the worship team, please fill out our contact form.